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For Healthcare Professionals

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Seagen healthcare providers medical information

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View US Medical Information Portal

Request information about our medicines or programs

Healthcare professionals, patients, and caregivers may request specific product and/or program information from Seagen Medical Information.


Global: 1-800-438-1985
Canada: 1-833-4SEAGEN (1-833-473-2436)

For healthcare professionals

Medical Information Portal

Report a side effect

Patient safety is of the utmost importance to Seagen. To provide better safety information for our medicines, we monitor side effects continuously in clinical trials and after bringing a therapy to market. Please report any side effects caused by Seagen’ medicines. We may contact you for more information concerning your report.

Seagen is unable to provide medical advice. If you are a patient and are concerned in any way about your treatment, you should contact your healthcare professional.

To report a safety concern

Email drug.safety@seagen.com

Report a product complaint

Seagen is committed to producing to the highest possible standards. If you have any concerns about the identity, quality, reliability, safety, effectiveness, or performance of a Seagen product, please report them immediately.

To report a complaint

Email productqualitycomplaints@seagen.com

Report to MedWatch

In the United States, information about product quality and safety can also be reported directly to MedWatch, the FDA’s medical product safety reporting program.

To contact MedWatch

Call 1-800-332-1088
Visit www.fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch

Additional scientific and clinical resources

Access congress presentations, videos about our science, patient assistance information, and more on our medical affairs website
Explore the Medical Affairs Website